
Comments and Reviews for LingoKids

LingoKids is based in Madrid. They teach languages to children with their app, by focusing on language immersion through games, videos and songs along with other offline activities. Teachers conduct 1 to 1 videos lessons with children from around the world (China, USA, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia). They want teachers who can commit to 10 hours of availability per week during peak times in Europe. Teachers must have a 1.5 Mpbs internet connection. Classes can be canceled or booked up to 2 hours beforehand. Applicants are required to make a 10 minute demo class video on a topic of your choice as if it were given to a 4 year old. LingoKids pays $10 per 30 minute class.

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  • I found their email address, but at the moment it doesn't seem that they are hiring English teachers, although other administrative and tech positions are available for those who are interested in relocating to Madrid.

  • They pay 10-20$/hr depending on what you are teaching. They charge 17-19$ per 30 min lesson. Lessons are 25 mins with 5 min feedback time with the parent which is smart. I'm assuming this includes comments and a quick break so you can get to another lesson.

    • how can you apply to teach online on their website? I looked all over the website and I didn´t find anything.

      • I have also just looked at the website and can’t find how to apply to work for them. Any clues? Thanks