Hiring the Week of July 15th, 2019


Online English teaching companies that are hiring as of today, July 15th, 2019


As usual the big Chinese companies are still hiring native speakers to teach Chinese kids:







VIPX is another Chinese company that is looking for native-speaking teachers with a university degree. They pay between $13-22 USD per hour. However they want me to review your resumes first, so if you are interested please send me your resume.


The Japanese company Mainichi Eikaiwa is also hiring native speakers including South Africans. More details here: https://www.goodairlanguage.com/mainichi-eikaiwa/


Lastly the German company Learnship is hiring. They especially want English teachers located in the Western Americas or in Eastern Asia… must be a time preference. They also hire Swedish and German online teachers. Great company: https://www.learnship.com/us/


There are more companies hiring and you can find them here: https://www.goodairlanguage.com/now-hiring/
These companies are just the ones who told me they really need teachers this week.

Best of luck!