
Comments and Reviews for Hioffer

Hioffer appears to be just a recruiting company for ESL teachers.

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  • I also got on their email list mysteriously. I think they are getting DB from Itutor Group. If you write to them to say you are interested in a position, they never contact you. It's a total waste of time. All their clients are listed here

  • I was contacted by them (still not sure now they got my email). First I was asked to send in 2 different videos, one reading a paragraph they sent and another an self-intro video. I didn’t hear back.
    Again they contacted me. An interview was set up. About an hour before the interview I received a Skype message saying the recruiter was not in the office and we rescheduled. The same girl I had been in contact with was the one who actually interviewed me, not sure who wasn’t available previously. She was very positive at the end and said would recommend I continue the process....I never heard back, at all. Even when I Skyped her a couple times.
    Not very professional in my opinion